
Psp tvtropes gladiator begins
Psp tvtropes gladiator begins

psp tvtropes gladiator begins

It doesn't help them with giant boulders thrown telepathically. Anti-Magic: The first game features Stormtroopers who use environmental shields to block Starkiller's various Force attacks.

psp tvtropes gladiator begins psp tvtropes gladiator begins

Makes the second game's Dark Side Ending (where Starkiller's evil clone just shanks him in the back) look fluffy and happy in comparison. And I Must Scream: Starkiller, in the first game's Dark Side Ending, is transformed into the mangled, robotic Sith Stalker apprentice of Palpatine, barely alive and, as Palpatine makes clear, only living on borrowed time until Palpatine finds a new apprentice after that, he's done.And Your Reward Is Clothes: You get a bunch of different outfits to choose from right at the start with more being unlocked as you progress through the game.Alignment-Based Endings: Both The Force Unleashed and its sequel feature Light and Dark side endings.Ain't Too Proud to Beg: In the second game, Galen does a Type 2 to Vader when the latter threatens to kill Juno.After the game was designated non-canon, the entire storyline can be seen as this.There, we learn that Luke was killed on Hoth, and Leia underwent training to become a Jedi. Alternate Reality Episode: The DLC in the second game focuses on Starkiller's evil clone seeking to kill Princess Leia.The first game's DLC has Starkiller go through the original trilogy's events to hunt down Luke Skywalker. The DLC for a Darth Starkiller and his evil clone in the second game continue where the Bad Endings of each game did.Both games take place in the Star Wars Legends universe.All Your Powers Combined: PROXY has the ability to use a hologram to transform into any Jedi he knows of, and is able to copy their lightsaber skills and even their Force powers.All There in the Manual: While the game refers to the player character as either "Starkiller" or "The Apprentice", the companion novel gives his real name as Galen Marek.Notably, the Core's meddling has also wiped PROXY's primary programming, so he no longer fells compelled to try to kill Starkiller. Starkiller manages to defeat the Core and then uses Force Lightning to fry it in order to wipe any trace of the data it could have downloaded from PROXY. The Core takes control of him and tries to kill Starkiller. When trying to slice into the Core, PROXY falls under the Core's influence and is convinced to open himself up to it. It should be easy enough for the Core to assemble a whole fleet from that. For some reason, though, it feels that it needs the Rogue Shadow to get off the planet, even though the planet is littered with ship parts. However, after Starkiller's interference results in the Empire coming to the planet, the Core is convinced that the Empire is ruled inefficiently and resolves to take it over. The novelization of the first game has the Core on Raxus Prime, whose primary task is to recycle the trash covering the planet.The droid brings this up several times throughout the campaign and even interrupts Starkiller's assault on Raxus Prime for an impromptu training session.

psp tvtropes gladiator begins

Is a Crapshoot: Proxy is this by design, programmed with an urge to murder Starkiller. His mother is briefly mentioned, but in the novel as well in TFU II got a name and a background too (Mallie Marek, also a Jedi Knight who died when Galek was just a baby).

  • Adaptational Explanation: TFU novel by Sean Williams not just expanded what we saw and played in the game, also gives The Protagonist (The Apprentice, codenamed Starkiller) a proper name and a background: Galen Marek, son of the late Jedi Knight Kento Marek (unnamed in the games and killed in the first cutscene).
  • Action Commands: Generally, a prompt will appear when major enemies are low on health that activates a cinematic where Starkiller finishes them with style.
  • Darth Vader may have raised Starkiller, but he has no love for the boy and is willing to kill him as soon as Starkiller becomes a liability.
  • The Force Unleashed and The Force Unleashed II provide examples of:

    Psp tvtropes gladiator begins